Would THESE be an asset to you?

I’m passionate about helping people engage (and trust!) their Bibles…and it doesn’t take much poking to figure out I read the Bible into a microphone every day.

Further, I’ve written a few books in the secular world, and I’ve published one for Jesus (made up of some podcasting scripts/stories) entitled A Ministry of Showing Up: #ForTheHope’s Reflections for Jesus Followers with Day Jobs.

Importantly, the question on the table isn’t the specificity of the podcast or book…. it’s the approach to engaging one’s community. Read that again. The point here isn’t those particular media assets.

Here’s why I ask the question, though.

I’m a visionary. I see an easy connection between the local church and how alternative media forms — podcast, book, Facebook, etc — integrate with how a local community reached and served.

But you don’t exactly find many pastor job descriptions that ask if the candidate is media-ready, right?

Don’t miss this point:

The point of this little bit of dialogue isn’t to lay out a lengthy argument so much as to point out something we should talk about.

  • Ask me about how “5000 coffees” has been critical to me “doing the work of an evangelist.” (2 Tim 4:5)

  • Ask me about how I think (know, actually) a book affects perception of outsiders.

  • Ask me how we might engage and encourage discipleship in ways that actually integrate with existing (and important!) traditional modalities such as life groups, family ministries, recovery ministries, etc.

I just rarely — okay, never — see a job description that includes, “Hey, it’d be great if you could write little books that would help congregants have conversations with their neighbors at a BBQ” or the like.

I look forward to the chat. ;-)

Roger Courville

Speaker, teacher, connector, voice of daily audio Bible podcast, bad guitar player


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