What’s your vibe and adaptability?

I spent 34 years in Portland, Oregon…the place that put the “casual” in “Friday casual.” I also worked in the tech industry which is famously casual.

Kristine’s from the Seattle area. And works in tech…but long ago worked at Nordstrom. She’s the classy one of the two of us.

So I can and do wear a jackets…but it’s still over top a pair of jeans.

Honestly, though, my long time home church in Portland (before moving to Seattle to marry Kristine) is as hipster/low-brow/tattoo-friendly as they come. Theologically it (and I) are conservative, but as far from formal as you could get.

As it turns out, Kristine and I are both well-traveled and I have lived lots of places. I’m used to adapting culturally.

But on the average day we’re “beauty and the beast,” and she’s the beauty. And I’m the guy usually dressing down instead of dressing up.

Roger Courville

Speaker, teacher, connector, voice of daily audio Bible podcast, bad guitar player


What kind of pastoral care are you providing now?


What Bible verses most speak to you?