What if?

I have a large library (reeeally large), but if I was on a desert island and could have but five books, Norm Geisler’s systematic theology would be four of them.

I was recently watching the documentary about his life and a few things struck me.

One, the title: Not Qualified. It’s like that could be my story. Not because I’m an intellect like him (trust me, I’m not!), but because I’m so desperately aware that if something good is going to happen, it has to be the Holy Spirit.

Two, he was a late bloomer. I’d heard it before, but I was reminded that Geisler was nearly done with high school when they figured out he couldn’t read. And this dude went on to get a PhD (but not ‘til he was nearly 40), wrote more than 100 books, founded a seminary, and on and on. Of course, history is full of late bloomers (e.g., Ray Kroc, Laura Ingalls Wilder), and I’m both inspired by that and it’s part of my own family story.

Finally, his own words “What if…?” were repeated ad nauseam in the part of the documentary that spoke about one of his own kids committing suicide. The truth is, I’ve never known a pastor who didn’t struggle with that in some way — knowing that their own shortcomings have affected others, particularly their family. Sadly, there are numerous stories of Christian influencers who looked back to regret that their family paid a price (e.g., Billy Graham, AW Tozer, et al). The documentary was a reminder that we can’t change the past, but we can change how we serve now.

That’s me. I’m no intellect like Geisler, and what I started were businesses rather than seminaries. What I traveled the world teaching (at least to date) was presentation skills, not theology and apologetics. My past includes divorce and mess. I can’t change any of that. But, as I trust my references will confirm, I’m an example of what God can do in someone’s life.

I’m a late-to-Christ late bloomer, a “what if” asker, and maybe I’m just smart enough to realize that I fall SO short in so many ways that if there is any fruit from my life, God gets all the credit.

I was one time named “the world leading expert in…” And now I hope it’s CT Studd’s words that are true of me…

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

You can “what if” yourself to death. What if I’d gone to seminary in my 20s instead of my 50s? What if I’d been a Christian and equally-yoked? What if…? What if…?

All you have right now is today. And the chance to sing…

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Roger Courville

Speaker, teacher, connector, voice of daily audio Bible podcast, bad guitar player


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